I find it so difficult to come up with blog topics, especially during trying times. I have vowed to keep it up but at times we all get writers block. Its not really fair to ALWAYS talk about my most favorite guilty pleasure which of course would be 'handcrafted soap'.
So.. I set out on to the web in search of a blog topic! I stumbled upon Chris Brogan's Blog. Specifically a post from 2007 titled 100 Blog topics I hope you write. WOW! Now many of the topics do not concern my line of work but certainly it is a place to start for those that may struggle. So without further ado...
According to Wikipedia a guilty pleasure is: something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. Often, the "guilt" involved is simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes, rather than actual moral guilt. Fashion, music.
Quite frankly.. those of you who know me, know that I rarely get embarrassed and am not bothered by what others think, especially when it comes to my two most beloved guilty pleasures. Diet Coke probably ranks a bit higher than the Coors Light. I would almost have to say that my Diet Coke would be a staple rather than a guilty pleasure. Many people wake up to their coffee or Starbucks drive thru, I on the other hand make a stop at a local convience store for a 32 ounce Diet Coke to start my day, I have been told I could be the poster child for them.
Coors Light is probably the REAL guilty pleasure that I enjoy on weekends only. Nothing like a nice icy cold blue mountain beverage while sitting on your patio looking at another awesome pleasure in life.
I know that the original blog idea was top 10 guilty pleasures but quite frankly I live a pretty simple life and do not indulge on a regular basis. However my final guilty pleasure which has become a way of life for me is handcrafted soap.
Not only does it feel great on the skin but they look and smell fab as well.
I am feeling more and more non high maintenance after writing this blog post, 3 guilty pleasures... WOW!
Can ya'll come up with 10 guilty pleasures?
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