Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lemon Grass Essential Oil in Your Car?

Lemon Grass in your car? You betcha!!

Lemon Grass essential oil properties have been known to create a sense of emotional well being, this is a good thing during 'these times'. The light citrus fragrance acts as a tranquilizer - taming stress, anxiety and even depression. This great product has so many more qualities however; I am stopping here as this leads into why I'm blogging about it.

I purchased (3) Car Scenter Electric Diffusers from New Directions Aromatics as Christmas Gifts.

There was a specific reason I purchased these as gifts. I have smoker friends and their cars smell awful (including my own *wink*) Fragrance does not come with the car scenter, you get to choose your own. Well... guess what?? Lemon Grass Essential oil helps to eliminate cigarette odors. Another fabulous property of this great oil. So... In addition to the car scenters I purchased 1/6 ounce of Lemon Grass essential oil (

Lemon Grass essential oil has so many fabulous properties and benefits that I could blog about it all day long! Below are some general facts and info.

Description: Lemongrass is a fast growing, tall, aromatic perennial grass that grows up to 1.5 metres (4 feet) in height. It is native to Asia, but is now cultivated mostly in the West Indies, Africa, and Tropical Asia.

Color: Yellow to brownish yellow liquid.

Common Uses: Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil is known for its invigorating and antiseptic properties. It can be used in facial toners as its astringent properties help fight acne and greasy skin. An excellent anti-depressant, Lemongrass Essential Oil tones and fortifies the nervous system and can be used in bath for soothing muscular nerves and pain. Lemongrass shares similar properties with citronella and has a great reputation for keeping insects away.
With that being said... I gotta tell ya! This stuff works... it really does eliminate smoke odors from your vehicle. Now if you are not a smoker... no problem there is an array of oils to choose from that will make your car smell fabulous. AND I'd like to add that... I think I am a bit calmer of a driver now. :)

Cautions: Avoid in glaucoma and with children. Use caution in prostatic hyperplasia and with skin hypersensitivity or damaged skin. Avoid use during pregnancy.
It is recommended that this essential oil be stored in dark amber, blue or green glass bottles since it has been found to dissolve aluminum bottles.