Friday, December 26, 2008

Many Great Uses For Lavender

I am sure many of my readers either LOVE or HATE lavender. I used to hate it; after many special requests from customers, I have actually come to tolerate it. However; with that being said; I have to remind myself that lavender is a fabulous plant.

The plant name for lavender is: Lavandula angustifolia aka Lanandula vera

Lavere: means 'to wash' while Lavandin is also sold as lavender essential oil.

The lavender plant is grown all over Europe, is native of the Mediterranean area and the pure oil mainly comes from France.

There are many great properties for lavender essential oil such as: analgesic, antibiotic, anticonvulsive, anti-depressive, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, decongestant, fungicide, sedative and stimulates the immune system.

Fabulous uses:

Mental/Emotional: calming, depression and insomnia

Muscular/Joint: cramps, headaches, inflammation of muscles and joints, tension and vein problems.

Respiratory: bronchitis, colds, asthma, whooping cough

Skin: acne, eczema, burns, insect repellant, bites, and wounds.

So what do you do with it? You should mix your essential oil in a carrier oil such as: almond oil, grapeseed, etc. (be sure to check for nut allergies) Well, lavender can be fabulous in its pure state to combat headaches - Just put a few drops in your oil and you have a natural blend.

With that being said, I must CYA:

Disclaimer: The information provided above is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness, or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Always consult a medical doctor, or other alternative medical practitioner when suffering from any disease, illness, or injury. Keep all products away from children. As with any natural product, they can be toxic if misused.

Smell ya later,


Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Segment WILL Air

Well after two years of anticipation, It is finally going to happen! For those of you that are lost. I was filmed December 2006 for HGTV's hit show "That's Clever", I was given multiple air dates - Those never happened. So I finally gave up!

Now it looks like my series is already scheduled online and is due to air sometime the end of February or early March. Once I have an exact date I will post it online. I am somewhat apprehensive about doing that; Why? Well the producers of the show forced me to do some really out of character things but..... it was a great experience and I am sure will be entertaining for all of you. So.... tune in for updates!

Smell ya later,

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Put A Fork In Me; I Am DONE!!

Well here it is December 18th, and I THINK I am finished with all soapy orders for the year. Of course the minute I publish this something will happen. Sales are finally winding down for the season, which is bittersweet for me. I say that because I am tired! I have worked my butt off this holiday season, and I am ready for a nice break. On the other hand; I am such a busy body that I am not sure I will know what to do with myself.

At any rate; I intend on being MIA from the soap shop and this blog for ATLEAST a week. Thank you to all my fabulous customers and friends during this holiday season. I wish each and everyone of you a safe, yet fun holiday; and incase I decide to take two weeks off - Have a Happy New Year.

Smell ya next year,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Second Edition of Interview

Okay; since I could not get a clickable link, below is a copy of my interview with WAHM Boot Camp:

Q: What is the name of your company and when did you start it?

My company name is Sudz N Bubbles, Ltd. I started my company 2004

Q: What is your name & how many children do you have?

My name is Cindy Tollen, I have two boys: Austin 17 years and Denton 9 years old

Q: What was the inspiration behind your company?

The inspiration behind my company is my youngest son ‘Denton’. He is the reason I started Sudz N Bubbles. He was diagnosed with moderate eczema; his doctor suggested a glycerine soap. I paid over $8.00 for a slice of soap. After that I decided to learn to make it myself. I began making bars for him, all the while becoming addicted to soapmaking. I began giving my ‘plain bars’20as gifts to friends and family, after awhile they began coming back for more, only this time they wanted to pay me for them. Hence, Sudz N Bubbles was born.

Q: How long did it take you to earn a profit from your business?

It has taken a long time. I believe that I made some really bad decisions along the way. I just began turning a profit last year. So I suppose you could say it took me about three years.

Q: What obst acles (if any) did you face along the way & how did you overcome them?

I faced a few obstacles along the way. I was a real estate appraiser and broker before I broke into the soapmaking business. So my obstacles were people not taking me seriously and thinking it was just a silly craft I did in my kitchen. Having perseverance and some press tends to help a lot.

Q: Did you ever feel like quitting? What kept you going?

Yes; I felt like quitting more than once. When people make snide remarks, and don’t seem to support your ideas it can20be very frustrating. I kept going because I felt like I had a very unique product that makes gift giving fun. I love to see someone smile when they see my products; that in itself was enough to keep me going.

Q: What quality/qualities (i.e., tenacity, discipline, time management) do you think are necessary for a mom entrepreneur?

There are so many qualities but honestly; the two most important qualities are discipline (that means get out of your pajamas, put on work clothes) and time management. I used to waste so much time on the internet. Internet surfing is leisure time!

Q: How do you juggle career and children?

It can be really trying at times. However; my oldest is 17 and very self sufficient which helps. Otherwise; to juggle both we go back to time management and using it wisely. Work while the kids are at school or napping. Sometimes it can be tempting to watch TV, surf the web, etc. especially since I work at home. I have really learned to manage my time.

Q: Do you have employees?

Yes; I have two part time employees

Q: What one thing (book, website, coach, tool, blog, service, etc) was VERY INSTRUMENTAL in your success?

I have a great friend that seems to be educated in EVERYTHING. He was incredibly instrumental in my success. We would talk every morning about goals, ideas, etc. I also completed some online business coaching classes from Jenn Givler. (She is amazing!)

Q: What is your favorite quote?

This quote comes from my mom and it is the truth, especially when dealing with employees “If you accept it, it becomes acceptable.”

Q: What advice would you give to a new mom entrepreneur?

My advice to a new mom entrepreneur would be, if you have a vision, and feel very strongly about it. Don’t give up and don’t l et others bring you down. There is something to be said about positive energy.

Q: Who were others that you looked up to during your successful rise?

There is another soapmaker who had her business and home destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, I spoke with her on the phone not long after that. She was so positive about rebuilding and I thought WOW! If she can recover herself, family, and business after that tragedy – I can do anything!

Q: Your website information

My Interview With WAHM Boot Camp

I was interviewed by Kristin from Work At Home Mom Boot Camp; nice little interview. If interested in some reading, link is below:

I know that link is not clickable; I have been having issues with this on 'blogger'. Might be better if I just cut and paste interview for those interested.

Smell ya later,

Monday, December 15, 2008

I Love Free Press!

What a nice surprise to see my company in the weekly edition of:

The El Paso Inc.

It is barely a one sentence blurp but..... very cool! I agree with the INC. everyone should buy local for their holiday shopping lists.

Thanks El Paso Inc,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Little Soap Shop Girl - Missing!

So... I have hesitated in writing this post. I am saddened to say that my little soap shop girl is no longer with me. We really were a great team! Seems that she is overwhelmed with school and lifes issues.

I do have another little soap shop girl that will be starting today. However; I do not think she will be contributing to this blog for awhile. In the meantime please keep checking back for sales, and updates for the year end.

Smell ya later,

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Whew!! The last month has been a total blur to me. I exhibited at two shows, fought off two nasty colds, threw my husband a 40th birthday party, and here I am a month later with Christmas soap designs. Not sure how I did it but I think adrenaline played a big part in it.
Anywho..... Above are two of our newest Holiday soap designs. They are not quite available online so..... if interested. Shoot me an email! The mistle toads retail for $4.50 each and the Tree bars retail for $5.00. They will come packaged in cute bag with ribbon to match.
I hope to not be MIA for the next few weeks! I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving and are ready for the next big holiday.
Until Next Time,

Monday, November 3, 2008

Want To Shop With Soap Shop Girls?

We are all feeling better now at Sudz N Bubbles, which is a really good thing! I wanted to let ya'll know that we will be out of pocket for a few weeks. We are busy stirring the soap pot and preparing for a super busy month. You can come visit and meet us at the following events.

We will be exhibiting at Junior Leagues "A Christmas Fair" this week. November 7-9 at the El Paso Convention Center. Hours of the show are available at the link below:

We will also be at 'Las Artistas' November 22 -23 those hours are available at the following link:

Come see us and get your holiday shopping done early!

Big Kahuna and Little Soap Shop Girl

Friday, October 31, 2008

Kahuna and Soap Shop Girl - Missing!

Holy cow! It has been a crazy past two weeks. I became VERY sick over a week ago. So sick that I could not breathe. I literally thought I was going to die. A couple of breathing treatments later and no cigarettes. I am a new person!

My Little Soap Shop Girl has now contracted my illness. Poor thing. We had some really cute posts ready for everyone. Now we must come up with new ones as they are just simply not fitting anymore to the month.

I think we should be back to 100% by next week.

The Kahuna

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rumors Put To Rest

So I heard it through the grape vine that there are those who think I may have a crush on Shepard Smith of Fox News. Well I have one thing to say to that…Yes it’s true. I mean it’s true that we literally fight over the remote each day to see who will get first dibbs on whether we are stuck listening to the likes of Neil Cavuto or music on XM radio. And yes it’s true; The Big Kahuna doesn’t like it when I stink up the shop with my “ethnic” lunches (If you can consider Ramen noodles and the teriyaki bowl from Jack in the Box ethnic). But back to these grave Shepard Smith charges…I just simply think he is hilarious. I find it funny how he can say the silliest things and still maintain his composure. But, anyways, back to the soap of the month, Raspberry De-lite. I think this is such an amazing soap that I feel it needs a post of its own so stay tuned fellow earthlings…

Smell ya later,

Little Soap Shop Girl

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Does The Soap Shop Stink?

Well, there ya go! I knew that my ‘Little Soap Shop Girl’ would come up with something witty. I really don’t think I am THAT anal retentive about cleanliness. I just want everything spotless before we start another project; she thinks we should just trash the place then clean up later.

I thought I was pretty cut and dry in my intro. I did not mention anything about how she smells up the whole shop with her nasty Asian food odors. Or…. How she must listen to Fox news all afternoon. I prefer XM radio, it gets me going. Personally; I think she has a huge crush on Sheppard Smith.


How about a fragrance of the month? I am going to choose this one without consulting the ‘The Little Soap Shop Girl’. Why? Well I think we would probably choose the same one. So how about our newest design/fragrance

Raspberry De-Lite

I chose this one because she has been insistent on perfecting the soap swirl with this fragrance. I hate to admit it but…. She has done a pretty darn good job. I have struggled with the swirl for years. I might even be slightly jealous; since she has been at this for a few months and has created, in my opinion an almost perfect swirl. Take a look for yourself and see what you think.

Tune in again soon, as I am sure she will have a fabulous rebuttal for ya’ll,
AKA ‘The Big Kahuna’

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Intro by Little Soap Shop Girl

On one very warm summer night I was in a foolish drunken state of mind and I was simply minding my own business as I watched from afar, and with great dismay, the wannabe professional bowlers on league night. It was on this very night that I was introduced to the ‘Big Kahuna’. And as they say, the rest is history! This has been a wacky, fun, yet creative experience for me. I would never have thought that I would be making soap and enjoying it, since I was a lab rat in my past life.

Any who………..

We are dedicating this blog to our racy, somewhat erratic, and I am sure at times, passive-aggressive rants about the ins and outs of the soap biz. And I am also sure that, in our infinite wisdom, we will include a post or two discussing at lengthy depths the intense and compulsive psychosis “The Big Kahuna” has with cleanliness. We might also include an odd post here and there about my habitual and unrepentant tardiness, as well as, my unfathomable profoundness for the soap sample. (In a perfect world, soap samples would come in all shapes and sizes to be judge not by the color of their dye, but by the content of their glycerin…ah… a simple soap girl can only dream).

Hell…we might even say something intelligent…who knows…you might get lucky.

Smell ya later,

Little Soap Shop Girl

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Kahuna Intro

I am Cindy aka "The Big Kahuna". I waited for my "Little Soap Shop Girl" to do her post first. But... it appears that she must still be putting her finishing and polishing touches on it.

This is normal!
Anywhoooo...... I am the Big Kahuna of Sudz N Bubbles, hereafter referred to as the soap shop. Sudz N Bubbles was born as a result of my son requiring special soap, which has slowly evolved into a nice little operation. We handcraft novelty and custom soap for customers all over the world.
Now that my history is out of the way; I am sure that my 'Little Soap Shop Girl' will be chiming in soon with her story and what we plan on doing with this little blog. She might also let you in on our mascot, a few crazy tales and MAYBE even our fragrance of the month.
Until Next Time,
'The Big Kahuna'