Friday, October 17, 2008

Rumors Put To Rest

So I heard it through the grape vine that there are those who think I may have a crush on Shepard Smith of Fox News. Well I have one thing to say to that…Yes it’s true. I mean it’s true that we literally fight over the remote each day to see who will get first dibbs on whether we are stuck listening to the likes of Neil Cavuto or music on XM radio. And yes it’s true; The Big Kahuna doesn’t like it when I stink up the shop with my “ethnic” lunches (If you can consider Ramen noodles and the teriyaki bowl from Jack in the Box ethnic). But back to these grave Shepard Smith charges…I just simply think he is hilarious. I find it funny how he can say the silliest things and still maintain his composure. But, anyways, back to the soap of the month, Raspberry De-lite. I think this is such an amazing soap that I feel it needs a post of its own so stay tuned fellow earthlings…

Smell ya later,

Little Soap Shop Girl

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Does The Soap Shop Stink?

Well, there ya go! I knew that my ‘Little Soap Shop Girl’ would come up with something witty. I really don’t think I am THAT anal retentive about cleanliness. I just want everything spotless before we start another project; she thinks we should just trash the place then clean up later.

I thought I was pretty cut and dry in my intro. I did not mention anything about how she smells up the whole shop with her nasty Asian food odors. Or…. How she must listen to Fox news all afternoon. I prefer XM radio, it gets me going. Personally; I think she has a huge crush on Sheppard Smith.


How about a fragrance of the month? I am going to choose this one without consulting the ‘The Little Soap Shop Girl’. Why? Well I think we would probably choose the same one. So how about our newest design/fragrance

Raspberry De-Lite

I chose this one because she has been insistent on perfecting the soap swirl with this fragrance. I hate to admit it but…. She has done a pretty darn good job. I have struggled with the swirl for years. I might even be slightly jealous; since she has been at this for a few months and has created, in my opinion an almost perfect swirl. Take a look for yourself and see what you think.

Tune in again soon, as I am sure she will have a fabulous rebuttal for ya’ll,
AKA ‘The Big Kahuna’

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Intro by Little Soap Shop Girl

On one very warm summer night I was in a foolish drunken state of mind and I was simply minding my own business as I watched from afar, and with great dismay, the wannabe professional bowlers on league night. It was on this very night that I was introduced to the ‘Big Kahuna’. And as they say, the rest is history! This has been a wacky, fun, yet creative experience for me. I would never have thought that I would be making soap and enjoying it, since I was a lab rat in my past life.

Any who………..

We are dedicating this blog to our racy, somewhat erratic, and I am sure at times, passive-aggressive rants about the ins and outs of the soap biz. And I am also sure that, in our infinite wisdom, we will include a post or two discussing at lengthy depths the intense and compulsive psychosis “The Big Kahuna” has with cleanliness. We might also include an odd post here and there about my habitual and unrepentant tardiness, as well as, my unfathomable profoundness for the soap sample. (In a perfect world, soap samples would come in all shapes and sizes to be judge not by the color of their dye, but by the content of their glycerin…ah… a simple soap girl can only dream).

Hell…we might even say something intelligent…who knows…you might get lucky.

Smell ya later,

Little Soap Shop Girl

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Kahuna Intro

I am Cindy aka "The Big Kahuna". I waited for my "Little Soap Shop Girl" to do her post first. But... it appears that she must still be putting her finishing and polishing touches on it.

This is normal!
Anywhoooo...... I am the Big Kahuna of Sudz N Bubbles, hereafter referred to as the soap shop. Sudz N Bubbles was born as a result of my son requiring special soap, which has slowly evolved into a nice little operation. We handcraft novelty and custom soap for customers all over the world.
Now that my history is out of the way; I am sure that my 'Little Soap Shop Girl' will be chiming in soon with her story and what we plan on doing with this little blog. She might also let you in on our mascot, a few crazy tales and MAYBE even our fragrance of the month.
Until Next Time,
'The Big Kahuna'