Monday, January 5, 2009

Got Garlic and Onions?

Love to cook but hate the ‘after smell’ on your hands? I am talking about garlic and onion. That garlic scent can linger on your fingers for up to two days!! Did you know that coffee grounds will help to eliminate that scent from your hands?

You can sprinkle coffee grounds or salt into your hands and rub together to eliminate. There is another step to accomplish:

After washing, rinse hands under water, then rub hands on stainless steel sink OR other stainless steel item, rinse again. If that does not work; try the above steps one more time.

You may eliminate several steps above by trying our “Cup O Cappuccino” glycerine soap. It is chock full of coffee and works! I used it last night.

The link above will take you directly to our ‘Cup O Cappuccino’ soap, which will be seen on HGTV’s hit show ‘That’s Clever’ this spring 2009.

NOTE: You do not want to use this soap as a shower bar, it is highly abrasive!