Thursday, October 16, 2008

Does The Soap Shop Stink?

Well, there ya go! I knew that my ‘Little Soap Shop Girl’ would come up with something witty. I really don’t think I am THAT anal retentive about cleanliness. I just want everything spotless before we start another project; she thinks we should just trash the place then clean up later.

I thought I was pretty cut and dry in my intro. I did not mention anything about how she smells up the whole shop with her nasty Asian food odors. Or…. How she must listen to Fox news all afternoon. I prefer XM radio, it gets me going. Personally; I think she has a huge crush on Sheppard Smith.


How about a fragrance of the month? I am going to choose this one without consulting the ‘The Little Soap Shop Girl’. Why? Well I think we would probably choose the same one. So how about our newest design/fragrance

Raspberry De-Lite

I chose this one because she has been insistent on perfecting the soap swirl with this fragrance. I hate to admit it but…. She has done a pretty darn good job. I have struggled with the swirl for years. I might even be slightly jealous; since she has been at this for a few months and has created, in my opinion an almost perfect swirl. Take a look for yourself and see what you think.

Tune in again soon, as I am sure she will have a fabulous rebuttal for ya’ll,
AKA ‘The Big Kahuna’